I will not read your fucking script

Data viitoare când rugați pe cineva – cu care nu aveți o relație personală sau profesională – să vă citească un text ca să vă dea o părere, gândiți-vă la ce spune scenaristul Josh Olson în “I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script“, un eseu genial scris pentru Village Voice:

I normally have a standard response to people who ask me to read their scripts, and it’s the simple truth: I have two piles next to my bed. One is scripts from good friends, and the other is manuscripts and books and scripts my agents have sent to me that I have to read for work. Every time I pick up a friend’s script, I feel guilty that I’m ignoring work. Every time I pick something up from the other pile, I feel guilty that I’m ignoring my friends. If I read yours before any of that, I’d be an awful person.

Most people get that. But sometimes you find yourself in a situation where the guilt factor is really high, or someone plays on a relationship or a perceived obligation, and it’s hard to escape without seeming rude. Then, I tell them I’ll read it, but if I can put it down after ten pages, I will. They always go for that, because nobody ever believes you can put their script down once you start.

În spatele comediei e o pledoarie pentru acceptarea suișurilor și coborâșurilor scrierii. Nu-ți trebuie permisiune ca să scrii, spune și Stephen King în “Despre scris”. Și nu trebuie să te descurajeze criticile. Dacă asta vrei să faci, fă-o. Tot King: “(…) puteți s-o faceți, trebuie s-o faceți și, dacă aveți curajul necesar să începeți, o veți face. Scrisul e magie, e apa vieții. Apa e gratuită.”

Dar, vorba lui Olson, dacă într-o încercare de a vă face relații ați aruncat un text neșlefuit pe mâna unui om care are altele de scris și de citit, nu vă supărați când vă oferă o părere onestă, dacă asta ați cerut:

I read the thing. And it hurt, man. It really hurt. I was dying to find something positive to say, and there was nothing. And the truth is, saying something positive about this thing would be the nastiest, meanest and most dishonest thing I could do. Because here’s the thing: not only is it cruel to encourage the hopeless, but you cannot discourage a writer. If someone can talk you out of being a writer, you’re not a writer. If I can talk you out of being a writer, I’ve done you a favor, because now you’ll be free to pursue your real talent, whatever that may be. And, for the record, everybody has one. The lucky ones figure out what that is. The unlucky ones keep on writing shitty screenplays and asking me to read them.


2 Responses to “I will not read your fucking script”

  1. Tea on October 15th, 2009 6:21 am

    shit. i dont think i’m a writer :))

  2. Mirela Muresan on October 23rd, 2009 11:46 am

    Eu as dori sa citesc niste scripturi scrise de dvs. d-le Gheorghe.
    Credeti ca e posibil?

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