Revistele nu pot fi reproduse electronic

Simt nevoia să redau aproape integral editorialul lui David Granger din numărul de martie al Esquire US. De ce? Pentru că e vorba despre ce pot face revistele și despre cum tehnologia nu poate înlocui experiența răsfoitului/cititului unei reviste bine făcute.

For the last six months or so, the world has been abuzz on the topic of translating magazines for the next generation of devices, especially the Apple tablet. (…) The magazine industry itself has banded together in its conviction that a large part of the future is going to be on phones and ever-smaller, ever-more-versatile computers. After our intense experimentation with a lot of these devices, I have to say, I”™m not buying that they define our future. I believe they will provide new streams of revenue and help us reach substantial new audiences. But, having worked at this for a while now, I think all these things will end up supporting and enhancing what magazines do, rather than replacing them.

For the last fifteen years, all the hype has been about laying new pipe to facilitate the dissemination of ideas. We”™ve watched, awestruck and credulous, as AOL, and then Google, and then YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have given us new ways to move information from one place to another on all sorts of new machines. These are the technicians of the new media world. These are the pressmen. It”™s the equivalent of Gutenberg”™s press that”™s had us mesmerized, rather than the words and ideas that were suddenly given life because of it. But here”™s the thing: Words and images and ideas work differently””are different””on these new devices.

Magazines won”™t/can”™t be replicated on the tablet.

There is a power and a beauty contained in magazines that will never be able to be translated to machines. And inevitably, when someone does master how to express ideas in these forms, it will be in a way that”™s native to those devices””and different from magazines. The medium is the message. Content is not actually all that liquid. The great stuff to be created on the tablet will come out of the form itself””exactly as it has in books, film, video, and every kind of art. The weird power of magazines derives from the unique collision of words and images and design””and it comes from the fact that a magazine is an experience that you have as a whole, that you spend time with, not glancingly as on the Web or in intervals as on mobile devices.


4 Responses to “Revistele nu pot fi reproduse electronic”

  1. Dragos on February 11th, 2010 10:06 pm

    Perfect adevarat. Asta nu schimba cu nimic faptul ca revistele vor disparea si ca din pacate exact in format electronic vom avea acel tip de continut.
    Nici tiparul nu inlocuieste manuscrisul, nici filmul nu inlocuieste placa de sticla, nici digitalul nu inlocuieste filmul, dar pentru asta si manuscrisul, si placa de sticla si in curand si filmul au disparut.
    In ciuda tuturor celor care apreciaza faze de genul “a magazine is an experience that you have as a whole”, realitatea este ca de-a lungul timpului a existat un singur criteriu pentru succesul unui mediu/suport: cat este acesta de convenabil. Intotdeauna a castigat ce a fost mai convenabil, nu ce a fost mai bun, nu ce a fost mai placut, nu ce a fost mai frumos. iPad sucks badly and it’s our future.

  2. alina on February 14th, 2010 9:53 am

    da. la un moment dat revistele vor disparea cu totul. insa nu chiar acum. va mai dura cativa ani. multi ani. sper. pana cand va muri ultimul om care “s-a nascut cu o revista in mana”. :)

  3. Teo on March 9th, 2010 11:01 pm

    Imi pare rau, sincer si (mult) anticipat, pentru cei care nu vor mai avea ocazia sa simta vreodata mirosul inegalabil al unei reviste nou cumparate…

  4. Dragos on April 17th, 2010 10:09 pm

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